Electric Orange make sure even a small cinema rack has the best protection

Electric Orange rack showing Furman PDU
10 October 2022 Edited 10 October 2022 46 view(s)
Electric Orange make sure even a small cinema rack has the best protection

Just because the rack doesn't take up an entire comms room of space you shouldn't forget the basics!

Dan from Electric Orange has been working on this fantastic media space and wanted to make sure the equipment in the rack was well protected from electrical surges, so he opted to fit a Furman PL-8C-E into the Penn Elcom rack alongside the media server, networking hardware, SkyQ box and soon to be added AVR.

The Furman PL-8C-E has the added benefit of pull out light bars so in the event of needing to make tune ups and adjustments with the room lights dimmed he can shine some light across the rack installation. This model also includes Furmans legendary SMP module for non-sacrifical surge protection, and LiFT - their line filtration technology to remove noise from the power lines that can impact on image and audio playback - perfect for cinema and media rooms.

We'll be bringing you more images as this room gets nearer to handover but from what we've seen so far, we know it's going to be a great space for the customer to enjoy their favourite movies.


Installer - Dan Orange, Electric Orange, www.electric-orange.co.uk

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