
Sunfire launched in 1994, but the unconventional thinking that drives our product design got its start years earlier with Founder Bob Carver’s unique solutions. Many of you are familiar with the story of Bob’s Coffee Can Amp, tested at a McIntosh amplifier clinic in 1971 to deliver 350 watts per channel. That’s right, in a coffee can. Unconventional? Absolutely, and talk about getting a jolt from your morning Joe.
The unconventional thinking still guides the product philosophy at Sunfire. How else can we drive such big high-powered sound from such small cabinets? Visit our Science of Sunfire page to learn more. From the Tracking Downconverter amplifier design to high-back EMF woofers to the asymmetrical cardioid surround, this thinking leads to the world’s smallest, most powerful subwoofers. And it helps us design and produce equally impressive theater speakers. Sunfire continues to innovate high-end audio solutions thanks to the culture Bob Carver created and a team that still always seeks a better way to do things – even if it’s a bit unconventional.