10K Floor Temperature Probe

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SKU# :

10K 2 Floor Temperature Sensor with a 5m lead

Probe Dimensions

Diameter: 6mm
Length: 50mm

Cable Dimensions

Diameter: 5mm
Length: 5000mm

10K 3950 Resistance Table

℃ Rmin Ohms Rnom Ohms Rmax Ohms
-30 151600 157411 163428
-29 143352 148762 154361
-28 135607 140646 145858
-27 128330 133025 137877
-26 121486 125860 130380
-25 115044 119121 123331
-24 108978 112778 116699
-23 103260 106803 110456
-22 97869 101172 104576
-21 92782 95862 99034
-20 87980 90852 93808
-19 83446 86123 88878
-18 79162 81658 84225
-17 75113 77440 79832
-16 71284 73455 75683
-15 67664 69687 71764
-14 64239 66125 68060
-13 60998 62756 64558
-12 57930 59569 61248
-11 55026 56553 58117
-10 52276 53700 55156
-9 49672 50998 52354
-8 47206 48441 49703
-7 44869 46020 47195
-6 42655 43727 44820
-5 40558 41555 42573
-4 38570 39498 40445
-3 36686 37550 38431
-2 34900 35704 36523
-1 33207 33955 34716
0 31602 32298 33006
1 30097 30744 31402
2 28667 29270 29881
3 27310 27871 28439
4 26022 26543 27071
5 24799 25283 25774
6 23638 24087 24543
7 22535 22953 23376
8 21488 21876 22268
9 20494 20854 21218
10 19550 19884 20221
11 18653 18963 19275
12 17801 18088 18378
13 16992 17258 17526
14 16224 16470 16717
15 15493 15721 15950
16 14799 15009 15221
17 14139 14333 14529
18 13512 13691 13872
19 12915 13081 13247
20 12348 12501 12654
21 11809 11949 12090
22 11295 11425 11554
23 10807 10926 11045
24 10342 10451 10561
25 9900 10000 10100
26 9471 9570 9670
27 9062 9162 9261
28 8673 8772 8872
29 8303 8402 8501
30 7951 8049 8147
31 7615 7712 7810
32 7296 7392 7489
33 6992 7087 7182
34 6702 6796 6890
35 6425 6518 6611
36 6162 6253 6346
37 5911 6001 6092
38 5671 5760 5850
39 5442 5530 5618
40 5224 5311 5398
41 5016 5101 5187
42 4818 4901 4985
43 4628 4710 4793
44 4447 4527 4609
℃ Rmin Ohms Rnom Ohms Rmax Ohms
45 4273 4353 4433
46 4108 4186 4265
47 3950 4026 4104
48 3799 3874 3950
49 3654 3728 3802
50 3516 3588 3661
51 3384 3455 3526
52 3257 3327 3397
53 3136 3204 3273
54 3020 3087 3155
55 2909 2975 3041
56 2803 2867 2932
57 2701 2764 2828
58 2604 2665 2727
59 2510 2570 2631
60 2420 2479 2539
61 2334 2392 2451
62 2252 2308 2366
63 2173 2228 2284
64 2097 2151 2206
65 2024 2077 2131
66 1954 2006 2059
67 1887 1938 1989
68 1822 1872 1923
69 1761 1809 1859
70 1701 1748 1797
71 1644 1690 1738
72 1589 1634 1681
73 1536 1580 1626
74 1485 1529 1573
75 1436 1479 1522
76 1389 1431 1473
77 1344 1385 1426
78 1300 1340 1381
79 1259 1298 1338
80 1218 1256 1295
81 1179 1217 1255
82 1142 1178 1216
83 1106 1142 1178
84 1071 1106 1142
85 1038 1072 1107
86 1005 1039 1073
87 974 1007 1040
88 944 976 1009
89 915 947 979
90 887 918 949
91 860 890 921
92 834 864 894
93 809 838 868
94 785 813 842
95 762 789 817
96 739 766 794
97 717 744 771
98 696 722 748
99 676 701 727
100 656 681 706
101 637 661 686
102 618 642 666
103 600 623 647
104 583 606 629
105 566 588 611
106 550 572 594
107 534 556 578
108 519 540 562
109 505 525 546
110 491 511 531
111 477 497 517
112 464 483 503
113 451 470 489
114 439 457 476
115 427 445 463
116 415 433 451
117 404 421 439
118 393 410 428
119 383 399 416
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SKU Floor-Temp-probe
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